Numerologist - Numerology Calculator

n many versions of the calculator that numerology can help determine the fate of a person, property or characteristics, so to speak. Mostly, they use your name, month, year and day of your birth to determine the sequence of numbers to use. We have the Pythagorean, Chaldean, Babylonian, Christian mysticism, the system of the Hebrew Kabbalah, the Vedas, the ancient Chinese traditions and the Egyptians. Currently, however, the two most popular versions of the calculator are the Pythagorean numerology, and Chaldean.

The Pythagorean numerology calculator welcomed by the teachings of the Greek mathematician Pythagoras. Basically, this type of calculation is quite easy to learn and understand. It's just a translation of sequential letters of the alphabet to the numbers 1 to 9.

In addition, the science of Pythagorean numerology calculator allows a person to see a little of himself or herself, allowing that person to improve his way of life through the science of numbers 5. You can get the first two of these numbers from your date of birth and three others from your name.

The Chaldean numerology calculator got its roots in Babylon and is associated with the Vedic system of India. It is a calculator out from the Pythagorean, however, it is more difficult to control because the values associated with the alphabet are not in a systematic order.

Each letter in the Chaldean numerology calculator has its own vibration. The numbers are assigned to letters according to their values of vibration. In addition, the number 9 in Chaldee is holy and sacred and must be separated from other numbers which explains why no letter is assigned to this number. The Chaldean version of your name and your date of birth and uses only the name you are commonly called.

